Our busy Sick & Bereavement Ministry is expanding! Every St. Joseph parishioner can take part: from visiting the sick or home-bound to serving meals at funeral luncheons, knitting prayers shawls for the sick, or simply praying for others. Please consider sharing your gifts with your fellow parishioners in their time of need.

General Sick & Bereavement Ministry Questions can be directed to Kathy Rattenbury at 410-672-5485. Please contact the ministers noted below for more information or to join a particular ministry:

Bernadette Ministry – Provides short-term support to children and adults with serious illness or an upcoming surgery.

  • Visitation Ministers – Contact: Betsy Von Hagen at 410-451-5302. Ministers:
    • Contact patient/family to discuss wants & needs;
    • Make in-person visit if appropriate;
    • Deliver prayer shawl/blanket, rosary, prayer cards, etc.; and
    • Relay any additional needs to other ministers as needed such as Prayer Chain, Loaves & Fishes, etc.
  • Crafters – To help craft any of the items provided by the Bernadette Ministry, please contact:

Home-bound Ministry – Contact the parish office: 410-674-9238.
Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers provide support to home-bound parishioners on a regular basis with extended illnesses including: visiting the parishioner, providing communion via Eucharistic Ministers, and providing a supportive presence.

Funeral Reception Ministry – Contact: Pixie Brings at 410-672-6691.
Provide lunch receptions following funeral services at St. Joseph parish. Ministers can choose one, some or all of these duties and participate as they are available: set-up and decorate, prepare meals, serve, and/or clean-up. No regular or long-term commitment required.

Nurses Ministry – Contact: Karen Zajdek at 410-551-9490.
Healthcare professionals are needed for monthly blood pressure screenings, quarterly blood drives, and our annual Health Fair in mid-September.

Fishes & Loaves – Contact: Diane Smith at 410-987-0566.
Provide meals for families in crisis and those recovering from surgery, etc. and relay any additional needs of the family to other ministers.

Prayer Ministry – Participate in an online “kneemail” prayer chain for those persons requesting prayers. Please email to be added to the prayer chain list and to be altered to pray for others.