We offer enrollment for the preparation for Confirmation to all high school youth who have completed grade eight and have participated in appropriate faith formation or Catholic schooling. Youth are eligible to prepare for Confirmation if:

  • They have completed 8th grade.
  • They attended faith formation last year, whether in a parish program or in a Catholic school.
  • They continue in their faith formation during high school.
  • They participate in weekly Mass.
  • They have been baptized and have received first Eucharist and the sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • They desire to grow in faith and seek Confirmation of their own freewill.
  • They understand that Confirmation demands an ongoing response to be nurtured in life-long spiritual formation.

All incoming freshman who do not attend a Catholic high school must register for the Pre-Confirmation class within the youth ministry program in order to begin preparation for the sacrament in February. The classes are on Sundays from 10:10-11:10 AM in the Youth Room: Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Dec. 3, Dec. 10, Dec. 17, Jan. 7, Jan. 21 and Jan. 28.

The general time line for preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation is as follows:

  • Candidates and parents are invited to an orientation session in the late Winter/early Spring.
  • Candidates attend preparation sessions through June.
  • The Youth Pilgrimage in Baltimore on Palm Sunday weekend serves as an initial retreat.
  • Over the summer the candidates work on their group service project.
  • The remaining preparation sessions resume in late August/early September.
  • A final retreat is held with the candidates and their sponsors.
  • Celebration of the Sacrament occurs in October (usually), depending on the date given us by the Bishop’s office.
  • A follow-up session is held with the newly confirmed after Confirmation.
Contact Us
Any questions about the Confirmation process can be emailed to Michele Dougherty


Any adults who have been baptized and made First Eucharist, but not Confirmation, and wish to complete their initiation into the Catholic faith should contact Fr. Jim Kiesel to discuss the next steps.