Thank you for taking the time to find out more about St. Joseph Odenton Catholic Church and our community. We hope that after you look through our website and attend a liturgy, you will consider becoming a more active part of our growing community of faith.
St. Joseph Odenton Catholic Church offers many ministries for people of all ages and walks of life who are looking to strengthen their relationship with Christ. Please visit Our Ministries page to learn more about how we minister to our parishioners and others.
To become a registered member of our parish, please download, and complete a Parish Registration Form. Completed forms can be dropped off or mailed to the parish office, placed in the collection basket at Mass, or emailed to secretary@stjosephodenton.org.
Our Vision and Mission
Vision Statement:
To be a beacon of God’s Love and Hope in service to all people.
Mission Statement:
Build a community to Belong, Believe, and Bear Witness to God’s love, hope, and mercy.
Strategic Goals:
BUILD. To create a vibrant faith community that attracts, retains, celebrates, and leverages the talents of its diverse members through an active outreach program, an embracing welcome ministry, personal engagement, and a practically designed, well-maintained worship space and campus.
BELONG. To create a spirit of inclusiveness that meets the needs of members where they are and invites them to deepen their relationships with God and one another.
BELIEVE. To create an environment that enables and enhances the spiritual growth of its members through the Sacraments, parish ministries, faith formation opportunities, and other activities.
BEAR WITNESS. To create opportunities and inspire others to express the Joy of the Gospel, build/deepen small Christian communities, minister to others, and work for peace and social justice.
Bulletin, Social Media, and Website Notices: Any notices or announcements requests may be submitted to secretary@stjosephodenton.org by noon Monday. Please note that all notices should appear complete with exact wording, any desired graphic attached, and the dates that the notice should appear. We will try to honor all requests, but requests may be limited due to space and the number of requests.
Snow Closure and Delay Policy
In case of inclement weather, the parish observes the following:
- The parish office ?(and consequently use of parish meeting space) follows the school closing or late start as determined by Anne Arundel County Public Schools. Please check www.aacps.org for school delay or closing announcements.
- If schools are closed, the parish office is closed and evening meetings and study sessions are cancelled. However, cancellation of some one-time, special scheduled events (such as funerals), are determined on a case by case basis. ?
- Weekday (morning) Mass is not celebrated when there is a late start or closure.
- If the bad weather begins during the school day or is forecasted for the evening, call the parish office at 410-674-9238 to hear the necessary information regarding evening parish activities or check the website periodically throughout the day.
- If the weather event lasts several days, contact the parish office for the latest information.
- Sunday Masses are never cancelled due to the weather unless the Archdiocese of Baltimore has issued a statement dispensing the Mass obligation for Sunday OR by determination by the local pastor if a priest is unable to travel to preside at the parish. Please use discretion if your area experiences particular difficulties due to weather. The faithful are not bound to attend Mass if the conditions are dangerous for them to do so. You may call the parish office at 410-674-9238 for a voice mail message to verify closure if we have been able to post a message or check the website or the parish Facebook page for the latest information.
Area Catholic Schools
Archbishop Spalding High School
8080 New Cut Rd.
Severn, MD 21144
School of the Incarnation
2601 Symphony Ln.
Gambrills, MD 21054
Msgr. Arthur Slade Regional School
120 Dorsey Rd.
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Neighboring Parishes
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
1800 Seton Dr.
Crofton, MD 21114
Our Lady of the Fields
1070 Cecil Avenue South Rd.
Millersville, MD 21144